Creating Good Content

On my other blog, Increasingly Strategic Planning, I just posted about the rise of PR and good content in the marketing world.  The good news for evangelization is that we’ve got lots of GREAT content.  It’s called sacred scripture!

If you want something written more recently, I would suggest Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis’ Exhortation The Joy of the Gospel.  I had a little trouble finding a version of it online, but it is worth a little effort.  This is some good reading during Holy Week.  While quoting the Bible from time to time may be appropriate in casual conversation, the Pope’s writing has an immediacy; an up to date critique of modernity, which follows and reinforces the teaching of the Catholic Church that has been for millennium.  I found a Catholic New Service video through Ad Deum’s website does a good (a brief) job of showing that Evangelii Gaudium is not a radical departure from recent Papal teaching.

Although, it is still radical.  Radical in the tradition of Christ Himself.  Jesus came to shake up the status quo.  But this status quo is not going away quietly and we need constantly renew ourselves in the fight.  Pope Francis doesn’t mince words.  At the very beginning he says “The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience”.  While I wouldn’t use these words precisely, the sentiments aren’t hard to work in to modern debates.

There’s plenty of GOOD content in there!


Local pastors learning from mega-churches – Catholic Free Press

See on Scoop.itCatholic Parish Management

Catholic Free Press
Local pastors learning from mega-churches
Catholic Free Press
These churches, known as mega-churches, located mostly in the South, apparently have some welcoming techniques that Catholics can learn from.

BillHeiden‘s insight:

Rebuilt is a well written explanation of one Catholic Parish’s revitalization.  They are steadfast in there Catholic identity, but unabashed in their acknowledgement of looking at successful protestant churches for insight.  If more of the Catholic Church can learn and innovate, while maintaining the Eucharist centered faithfulness, evangelization will soar.

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